Wednesday, April 4

If the Earth were one small village ...

If you store your food in a refrigerator, your clothes in a closet ... if you have a bed to sleep in sleep in and a roof over your head,

Miniature Earth: If we could turn the population of the earth into a small village of 100 people, keeping the same proportions we have today, it would something like this.

The following images are excerpted screen captures from the Miniature Earth Video. Please watch the entire video on the Miniature Earth website (just click on any of the images here) - it's totally worth the few minutes of silent open contemplation you will need to let it's message into your heart.


serendipity said...

sometimes we forget that we have it all...

Maureen said...

Yes, sometimes I forget that I'm in that top tiny percent that even has a house to live in, and I start to complain about the leaking porch roof, or the clutter, or high grocery prices ... and I have to stop and remind myself that I am so well off compared to the majority of people on our beautiful, precious planet.

I hope you're feeling a tiny bit better -- or a LOT better, C.