Saturday, March 12

Last night the sky was clear as a bell, stars everywhere and warmish too! Sat around the fire til about 10 pm and went to bed thinking, yup tomorrow's gonna be another warm winter day... hah! We woke up at sunrise to find at least 5 inches -- more like 6 or 7 of snow had fallen! And it's still snowing. Yay! Montana needs this moisture so bad.

We had another fire, thankful for the snow and for
our group's safe return from Wirikuta. We can do this now
in our back yard because even though the weather
service is predicting a record wildfire summer, it hasn't
totally dried up yet.

New Snow & Fire at sunrise March 12
gotta love those flipflops!
I stayed in my pj's, but my feet are always warm!

Tim March 12 at our sunrise fire
A bit nippy at sunrise ... tim's
warming his hands at the fire.

We pray Montana doesn't have another one of those
terrible wildfire summers this year.

1 Comment:

Unknown said...

Hi ravengrrl - found your site through growing notes. Love the top photo - that fire looks so cosy. Look forward to dropping by again.